Wednesday, May 2, 2012


THE HEALING POWER OF TOUCH Touch is one of the most beautiful tender ways to bring healing to our being. When illness, disease or dis-harmony of any kind appear within us, when we are an afraid anxious, depressed and need comfort, loving touch is the spiritual balm of healing. Gentle loving, supportive touch, likened to the touch of a loving mother that holds her hurting child heals on every level. Touch that we don’t shrink from, touch that we just receive with trust and openness communicates and influences every cell in our body. This touch brings calm and harmony. It releases hormones that heal at a deep level. To be touched with love and compassion is to be emotionally effected and to be emotionally effected changes the old habits of your body/mind/spirit. As a healing practitioner that uses spiritual laying on of hands in my work I know that we are all capable of bringing this healing through us to ourselves and others. Some practice techniques for you to begin with below will help you let go of limiting belief systems that interfere with healing. To begin with ourselves Set aside time at least 30 minutes Do 5 to 8 minutes of soft breathing while concentrating on the breath itself Remove your mind from outside thoughts. Be present in the moment Let go of all fears & outcomes Lay your hands on yourself and offer unconditional love. Breathe it into yourself Have faith that this is doing its job of healing you Do not constantly look for proof, just believe. LINDA 516 483 4453

Friday, March 30, 2012


Body-mind-spirit. Where does one begin and one leave off? A thought produces an action, and an action produces a thought. Ideas, thoughts and repressions often show up in our bodies. The body is a great indicator of what is going on. If you constantly ignore this side of you, you become numb to their importance and live solely in your bodies. Looking for answers in the end results, instead of the beginnings. To know ourselves just physically is to only know us superficially.

What good is it to treat our back pain with back strengthening exercises when there is no support in our life? We need to strengthen our spirit as well and look at our lives as a whole for proper healing to take place. Many times as we gain awarness of the root causes of imbalances and address them, we begin to have physical healing.

We are multidemensional beings. What shows up in the body always has its piece in the emotional or spiritual sides of our lives. You can see immediate results of mind/body concepts by looking at blushing, rashes, and gut feelings. We must learn to examine our lives on a deeper level. As things come up in your life look at them in a whole person concept.

Keep a dairy of how these things show up in your life. What place does worry and fear, anger, un-forgiveness, repression, have in your health? Repetitive thought patterns show up as manifestations in our lives and our body. When we heal the spirit it always effects our body. Your body is intergrated with your spirit. Health is the whole, where the body, mind, spirit unites and exists in harmony and balance.

Check out my web page and click on the message "My personal transformation" to see more on total healing concepts.

God Bless

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hi Everyone,

I am done with patience,for now.See how much I have to work on the patience thing.

Since the advertising powers that be, have decided that February is the month of LOVE, by the way I am happy they did that because perhaps it will get us all started on thinking of what LOVE really is.

I took this from Corinthians 13

LOVE is patient and kind. LOVE is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. LOVE does not demand it's own way. LOVE is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever truth wins out. LOVE never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. LOVE will last forever. There are three things that will endure; faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love.

Do you love like this?

Are you loved like this?

Do you love yourself like this?

Where I fall short of expressing true LOVE is when I want my own way, when I know what is best and what is good for you, and how you should behave, when I get stubbron, when another makes me so mad that I want to punish them and show them who is really right, Oh there goes my self-righteous nature. Loving those who have wronged me!!! Now the word of God has just gone too far. How could I ever do that. Could it be that whatever attitude I put out there I am going to get back a million times over untill I get it Again it seems I want to right rather then be LOVING.

I would like you to blog back on your ideas of LOVE and what interfers with how you express it. I think this could be a good dialogue for all of us.

I am looking forward to reading all your responses.


Friday, January 14, 2011

more impatience

I woke up impatient with myself because I had no idea what to write on this blog. Blogs, I am finding are funny things, you have to tend to them, like a garden, you have to think what others may be interested in, what thoughts you can share with others. There is a lot to it. My stream of consciousness this morning...."Oh God, what made me think I could do this, Oh God, I can't learn this whole new thing, too old, too electronicly challenged, I don't have a anything to say, (not if you ask my husband, Oh God, I can not do this, I may as well turn on TV and just sit there and never try anything new, there is just too much to learn and my tool bar does not seem to be working. I can not do this I could eat, even though I just ate or I could shop, even though I don't need anything." SELF CRITICISM & SELF SABOTAGE!!!!!!! The very first two things on my New Years resolution list, Get rid of self criticism and self saboatage. To get rid of self criticism and self sabotage I have to learn loving patience.

What are some of your impatience stories ?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I am putting it out there

I am in the process of putting this blog on my webpage so all my students and friends can join in.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I decided that this year I am going to try to practice the spiritual perfections of patience, generosity, gratitude, forgiveness, loving-kindness. I decided to begin with patience. The definition of patience is "Possessing or demonstrating quiet uncomplaining endurance under distress or annoyance." Uncomplaining, now that is the word I am having trouble with.  Even though I may not verbalize my impatience, I have, I am ashamed to say been seen  sighing deeply, rolling my eyes and shifting my weight from leg to leg as if I am suffering in silence. My attitude and body language can speak way louder then words. Since I have been paying attention to this perfections for over four days now, I had been telling my husband of my success at patience and told him that I was sooo patient with the slow bank teller. I smiled and waited for praise. He asked me if there was a line. I said no. He said it did not count. I don't want to stay too long on patience because the world is sure to give me more and more to be patient about. I have to learn this one good and fast so I can move on to other more interesting perfections. What about you tell me about your patience level..